from the whole reflecting I did that I want to carry on for the year (or at least for now)

This year is about falling in love with myself again.

  1. When you’re anxious, go and talk to someone. They won’t feel burdened and you’ll feel better quicker.
  2. Force yourself to move even on days you don’t feel like it. Fuel your body. There’s a healthy amount of force required to improve self-discipline.
  3. Trust your gut. If you don’t, who will?
  4. Believe in yourself unconditionally. You know you are capable, you have the resources and the support, so what’s stopping you?
  5. Take things one step at a time, one day at a time, one hour at a time. It builds up, I promise.
  6. Making something exist is better than making something perfect.
  7. You don’t have to put yourself out there to feel validated. Keep working by yourself or with a few people. Never feel the pressure to share things until you’re ready.
  8. Have that uncomfortable conversation. You’ve done it many times before. You can handle it if it doesn’t go great.
  9. Focus on the present. What’s true right now?
  10. You’re just trying your best at everything. The people around you know that. Don’t forget to give enough credit to yourself.
  11. Be patient. It takes time to figure out things. It takes time to recover.
  12. If you can’t control it, accept it. The sooner you do, the lighter you’ll feel.
  13. You’re only responsible for the relationships you have with others, not the relationships they have with others. Most importantly, you’re the most responsible for the relationship you have with yourself.
  14. Time isn’t running out. You can make mistakes, fail at things, live multiple lives.
  15. You’ll feel better by getting one thing done, rather than ten things started.
  16. Make time for and prioritize the things that give you energy. Tap into your creative side.
  17. Be confident in your voice. You have things to talk about that others care about and can learn from. You’re more nuanced and articulate than you let yourself believe.